Thursday, January 24, 2013

Do you wage war in your personal life in the name of peace?

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Do you wage war in your personal life in the name of peace? 

Most people can look back at a time they have. I know I have.

It could have been in parenting, at work, in a family dispute with the in-laws or simply in a discussion over politics.

When you use hurtful words to stop conversation, you are missing an important part of the journey.

Insults often come from a feeling of insignificance within ourselves (ie: We want to matter!).

Some choose to feel significant by way of attacking another person so that person feels smaller or looks diminished in some way through our eyes. It doesn't work, and so sometimes people get meaner and perhaps gossip, judge, over-generalize, and even take the feeling for a walk to share on unsuspecting people via road rage or being rude to someone in service.

It is through the human connection where true understanding and tolerance begins.  

When we choose to feel significant in a more healthful way.  Just as everything negative we do can create a domino effect of negativity in others, the same holds true for positive thought, inspiration and sharing.

Easier said than done, right?

There are no shortcuts to being a good human and it's not easy. But nothing worth anything is easy in this life.  Before you proclaim, "You are an idiot!" perhaps instead ask, "Why do you feel this way?".  Or, simply be quiet and listen...

Sometimes we feel too negative to share anything positive and that is a perfect time to find quiet space and just "be".  Perhaps you can excuse yourself to the restroom, go sit in your car, or simply ask those around you softly if you can have a moment. Acknowledge your feelings and give them time from ... you.

Acting out by being louder, ruder, and more clever with insults is of course an easier way to get rid of aggression  However, when a conversation stops because of hurtful shaming insults, you killed something inside everyone involved-including you.

Be Mindful.

Please share your stories, thoughts, comments, or advice.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.

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Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.

                                                                       ~Lao Tzu

Good Morning!

We have a promise in our family that we will Greet the Day - Everyday. This is a routine of waking up and celebrating that the light is on again for another day. The kids aren't perfect with remembering this routine but never complain when we ask, "Did you greet the day?". (We usually ask after noticing a possible crab apple growing in their moods!)

There are no set rules with how it is done because everyone's relationship with nature is personal, but it must involve going outside.

Yes. We are busy like everyone else. But we are all generally calm souls here, and for that I am thankful that my children know both know that nature is God's gift. Nature brings us closer to the people we want to be.

I wonder if other people have a special routine. Do you?  If so, please share it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

DIY Fabric Refresher and Scented Window Cleaner

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Excellent scents to use for your DIY Fabric Refresher
Excellent scents to use for your DIY Fabric Refresher
Available at Bath & Body Works

Happy "Drink Your Water from a Champagne Glass" Day!

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What would you name YOUR day?

Have you ever noticed that you treat people better in your home than you treat yourself?
You pull out the good china on holidays and even dress up for your work events. But, do you do it for you, or for the company you keep?

Really think on that for a moment...

What if you set aside time where you celebrated the moment?  This practice is a whole ton less stressful than being a good host to your friends a family, because YOU are the only judge of the experience!   You can start simply by taking some time to present yourself a well presented snack.

You may become a better host to your friends as an added bonus, because you will know the true enjoyment of stress-free treatment.

I hope you come back and share some ideas of what you do or have done to celebrate your moments. In the meantime, feel free to use the good china and drink your water through a Champagne glass!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Joy of the Journey

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